Traveling expands your mind. Traveling alone liberates your soul.

Growing up I loved being everywhere but inside my house. During my undergraduate education I had the opportunity to study abroad in Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil for six months. There, I studied environmental policy and worked with children planting vegetables in a community garden. Prior to that experience, I had done extensive travel throughout the US. I’ve also visited parts of Europe and most of the Caribbean.
It was the Summer of 2019 when I had the opportunity to backpack throughout México and Colombia alone. I also reconnected with my roots in La Libertad, El Salvador during this trip.
I learned a lot about myself, my roots and experienced a new yet familiar life. I met people who taught me powerful lessons, and stayed in places that profoundly transformed my life. Most notable, was San Cristóbal de las Casas en Chiapas, México. On my blog, I’ll elaborate more on what Chiapas meant for me spiritually.